3.He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings.
4.The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.
不管气候条件如何, 这块地总是保持高产稳产。
5.Regardless of how often I correct him, he always makes the same mistake.
不管我样经常告诫他, 他总是犯同样的错误。
6.The good you dimply try to do, regardless of the outcome, is always a success inside yourself.
7.Then it struggled to break loose and flied higher and higher regardless of the girl's imploration in tears.
8.Regardless of a person he now the great age, travel of his true life, is that one day starts from the hypothesis goal, beforehand day, is talking circuitously.
9.Regardless of pushes to the front in the innovation, seizes the Eastern health which in the research and development takes the initiative to regard, has promoted the massive neomorph program.